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Old 16-12-2005, 08:58
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De Paddock Regular
Join Date: May 2003
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Posts: 275
Originally Posted by Mark

Wie heeft er nog een filmpje van de crash van Tetsuda Ota uit 1998 op zijn harde schijf staan? Bruikbare links zijn ook welkom

Die crash is hier reeds aan bod gekomen in deze thread: maar die links werken niet meer

Reden van dit verzoek? Iemand zou deze beelden graag gebruiken in een instructievideo voor (aspirant)baanposten. Onder het motto: "zo moet het niet"

Alvast bedankt.

On May 3, 1998.. Japanese racing star Tetsuya Ota was involved in a chain reaction collision during a GT championship race. Ota was trapped in his car for more than 50 seconds while exposed to 800-degree temperatures. There was no safety crew coming to the rescue as fellow drivers frantically extinguished the flames. The result ended with serious burns to Ota and a lawsuit against track promoters and sponsors. Agreed upon event requirements called for safety crews to rescue a driver and extinguish any fire within 30 seconds or less. Ota signed papers claiming he would not seek damages from event organizers as is typical in some venue use agreements. In a District Court ruling, the hold harmless paperwork was thrown out and Ota was awarded 90 million ($809,352) Yen. Changes in the sport now include a “doctor car” and some fire engines standing by for such an emergency. The court also ruled that Ota could have slowed his vehicle quicker thus a reduction from the originally requested 300 million ($2,697,841) Yen. Some suggest that if it were not for TV coverage of the fire, Ota could not have proved his case of the 50 second time lapse. TV Tokyo Corp. was held partially responsible in the case.

Last edited by manu; 16-12-2005 at 09:13.
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